The Aachen Graphene & 2D Materials Center congratulates Sudipta Dubey for her appointment as Assistant Professor at the Physics Department of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, in India.

Dr. Dubey came to Aachen in October 2019, as senior researcher in the Stampfer Lab (2nd Institute of Physics A), after a postdoc at the Emory University, in Atlanta, where she did some remarkable work in the field of 2D single-photon emitters. In Aachen, she worked with Dr. Bernd Beschoten on time-resolved Kerr rotation measurements, to study the lifetime of interlayer excitons in van der Waals heterostructures based on transition metal dichalcogenides.
“We’ve been very happy to receive Sudipta’s application”, says Prof. Christoph Stampfer. “Her broad scientific background and her previous experience made her a very interesting candidate for our group and for the Center. It was clear from the beginning that her staying would have been a short one, her goal being to find a permanent position in India. The appointment arrived even earlier than expected. While this is a loss for us, we would like to heartily congratulate Sudipta and wish her all the best for her new carrier.”