Max Lemme and Joachim Knoch have both received a BMBF “ForMikro” grant

Microelectronics is a major driving force for innovation and digitalization, and a key tool to sustain the economic strength of Germany and Europe. To actively sustain this field, the BMBF has announced at the end of 2018 the funding line “Research for new microelectronics (ForMikro)”.   Two PIs of the Aachen Graphene and 2D Materials Center, Max Lemme and Joachim Knoch, have each won a granted project in the first call of this new funding scheme.   

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AMO launches three new FET Open Projects

A big success for AMO and the Aachen Graphene & 2D Materials Center

FET Open is a very competitive funding program within the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program. It supports joint international projects aimed at radically new technologies, favoring ideas that go well beyond the state of the art. The competition is fierce, as the program is open to all sciences and disciplines. At each call the number of submissions greatly exceeds the available budget. Yet AMO has been extremely successful in the call of January 2019, winning three granted projects. 

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Graphene enables the world’s smallest accelerometer, pointing to a new era in wearable sensor technology

In what could be a breakthrough for body sensor and navigation technologies, a team of scientists in Sweden and Germany has developed the smallest accelerometer yet reported, exploiting the unique mechanical and conducting properties of graphene.

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DFG to establish a new Priority Programme on 2D Materials

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is establishing 14 new Priority Programmes (SPP) for the year 2020. This was decided by the DFG Senate in Bonn. One of the 14 new programs, selected from 50 submitted initiatives, was set up with the contribution of Prof. Christoph Stampfer (a member of the Aachen Graphene & 2D Materials Center) and focuses on 2D material based heterostructures. The new program is entitled “2D Materials – Physics of van der Waals Heterostructures (2DMP)” and it is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Thomas Heine (TU Dresden).

Press release on the website of the DFG.

Theodore von Kármán Fellowship granted to Dr. Satender Kataria to visit Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi in 2019

Dr. Satender Kataria from the Chair of Electronic Devices at RWTH Aachen University has been granted a Theodore von Kármán Fellowship to visit the Department of Physics, IIT Delhi as a visiting scholar. The Kármán Fellowship allows scientists to conduct a research project of their own choice in co-operation with a foreign host institute. The scholarships were set up to foster international exchange and interdisciplinary dialogue by RWTH scientists, either by spending time abroad as visiting scholars or through incoming collaborators. Dr. Kataria will visit IIT Delhi in India, which received Institute of Eminence status in 2018 by the government of India, one of six institutes in India which has been granted the status.

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Germany’s High-Tech Strategy: 12 Microelectronics Research Labs Opened

Universities are important drivers of innovation in the research-intensive microelectronics sector. For this reason, the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) now provides substantial funding to establish research labs at universities in the field of micro- and nanoelectronics.

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